Peer assisted teaching scheme and Participative Action Learning Action Research: A winning combination


  • Leone Carol Cameron University of the Sunshine Coast


Systems Thinking, Participative Action Learning Action Research (PALAR), assessment, Work Integrated Learning (WIL).


This paper demonstrates synergetic influences of systems thinking upon a third cycle of action research aimed at improve teaching skills and the student experience. The overall aim was to promote deeper, work-relevant learning through the implementation of a new method of assessment (Data from the previous action research cycles indicated that the former assessment task promoted rote and surface learning.). Systems thinking, integrated a peer assisted teaching scheme (PATS), alongside participative action learning–action research (PALAR) to change an assessment piece from a traditional multi-choice test to an innovative work integrated learning audio recording task that tested application of theory to a simulated real-world task. Domestic and international students (119) in an international marketing course collaborated in teams to develop skills in radio interviewing. Major themes from the NVivo® qualitative analysis were teamwork, engagement and communication; creative and deeper learning experiences; practical and work-related assessment; and enjoyable and fun learning.


Leone Carol Cameron, University of the Sunshine Coast

Dr. Leone Cameron is a Lecturer in International Business in the School of Business - Faculty of Arts and Business at the University of the Sunshine Coast




Cameron, L. C. (2015). Peer assisted teaching scheme and Participative Action Learning Action Research: A winning combination. Action Learning and Action Research Journal, 21(2), 122–149. Hentet fra