While we are together this is how we see it


  • Riripeti Reedy
  • Susan Goff

Parole chiave:

participatory action research, decolonising methodology, communicative action space


Two Action Research practitioners, one of Maori descent and one of Anglo descent, are collaborating as participatory facilitators in a contracted partnership with Aboriginal and Islander co-researchers in a publicly funded Participatory Action Research (PAR) project. The research explores a policy area that is key to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life quality and expectancy.

The issue of decolonisation has become core to both the policy area under exploration as well as the form of Action Research that is developing to carry out the inquiry. The meaning of this term, ”decolonisation” is unfolding and discussed in the paper. It is continually explored in the discourses between the participants, and in the instance of this paper, between the two facilitators.




Come citare

Reedy, R., & Goff, S. (2011). While we are together this is how we see it. Action Learning and Action Research Journal, 17(2), 118–136. Recuperato da https://alarj.alarassociation.org/index.php/alarj/article/view/23