

  • Shankar Sankaran
  • Azril Bacal Roij

Palabras clave:

action research, Participatory action research


Editorial for Vol 30 No 1


Checkland, P. & Poulter, J. (2006) Learning for action: A short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioners, teachers and students. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.

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Freire, P. (1973) Extensión o Comunicación? La Concientización en el Medio Rural. México, Eds. Siglo XXI y Tierra Nueva.

Lindhult, E. & Nygren, C. (2018) Fuzzy front end of business model innovation. Proceedings of The XIX ISPIM Innovation Conference, 17-20 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.

Midgley, G. (2000) Systemic intervention: Philosophy, methodology, and practice. New York, Kluwer/Plenum.

Piggot-Irvine, E., Ferkins, L., Rowe, W., & Sankaran, S. (Eds.) (2021) The evaluative study of action research: Rigorous findings on process and impact from around the world. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge.

Toulmin, S. (1990) Cosmopolis: The hidden agenda of modernity. New York, Free Press, New York.



Cómo citar

Sankaran, S., & Bacal Roij , A. (2024). Editorial. Action Learning and Action Research Journal, 30(1), 7–16. Recuperado a partir de https://alarj.alarassociation.org/index.php/alarj/article/view/449